Sabbath Worship Service | Next, New, Now: "Bearable"
Next | New | Now: "Bearable"
It’s not everyday you hear on the news about 42 children being torn to pieces by two bears. Well, it’s actually only been in the news once, and that’s in the second chapter of the second book of Kings. Tragic, right? Makes you want to pray for the families of the children? What if I told you God was seemingly behind the “grizzly” attack? And the reason, “bear in mind,” was because of a little name-calling. No one was hurt by the teasing, except maybe Elisha’s ego.
It’s stories like this that make the Bible almost “unbearable” for the average reader. Has even pushed many to be agnostic or even atheists. Our faith will be tested this week as we dissect one of the most misunderstood stories in the Bible.
Join us this Sabbath for the third message in our Next | New | Now Series entitled “Bearable.”