
You have gifts our community needs.  Let's get you connected.

It starts with a conversation

there are so many places to serve, lets find the place thats right for you

As we focus on community, we need to know our neighbors.  As we get to know them and find their needs, we find the members of the church are always the best at meeting those needs.  From Childrens ministry, to serving food and helping with laundry: you are the key ingredient to having needs met.

Serve in Worship

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

Worship in music, technology and all things involved on Saturday Mornings worship service is an important part of our identity at Vallejo Drive SDA, and we need you.

Laundry Love

One of the kindest things we can do is provide for the basic needs of those who are without.  Laundry love give us an opportunity to clean the clothes of many who do not have the resources, while giving us time, one load at a time, to share grace, mercy, and love with those in need. 

Serve Opportunities


Have a gift in music?  Lets talk about leading with voice and with instruments.


Join a community that loves raising their voice in a joyful noise.


We live in an age were live streaming is the norm.  We need you to help make that happen.

Food Pantry

The need in the community is great, and keeping a stocked food pantry is our joy.  Join us.

LEts find your fit!

Are you ready to discern your place in serving?  Don't worry, you aren't signing up for anything, this is just a conversation and a place to start.  

Looking for Help?

Think one of these areas is something you may need help from?