Sabbath Worship Experience | Spiritual Strength: The Story of Samson (part 3)

Jul 27, 2024    Pastor Jonathan Henderson

As if nothing could have been worse than the chapter 14 of Samson’s life, here comes chapter 15 in the book of Judges. More sex, violence, and blood thirsty revenge; and all of this because of the Spirit God coming upon Samson?? Something is off about the notion that Samson is simply God’s errand boy in all of these interactions. However, we believe in the inspiration of Scripture, so if the Bible says God was behind Samson’s shenanigans, then by golly He must be . . . Or. . . maybe . . . Just maybe . . . there’s something we’re just not seeing clearly. If you’ve ever struggled with why the Old Testament is full of bloody destruction, and God seems just find taking credit for it all, you won’t want to miss this next chapter in Samson’s life. How do we reconcile these violent images with the loving Father Jesus speaks about in the New Testament? Join us tomorrow as we continue our series on spiritual strength and Samson.